2005 美国康乃尔大学 (Cornell University) 食品科学 博士
2001 日本长崎大学 (Nagasaki University) 生物物理和化学 交换研究生
2000 中国海洋大学 食品科学和工程 硕士
1997 中国海洋大学 食品科学和工程 学士
2008.1-至今 教授 食品科学与技术国家重点实验室,3200威尼斯vip
2008.5-2013.5 客座副教授 食品科学和营养系,美国明尼苏达大学
2005.5-2007.12 博士后研究员 食品科学和营养系,美国明尼苏达大学
主要从事食品物性、乳制品与水产品加工方面的研究。近年来,在胶原蛋白及明胶的生化及功能特性、高蛋白中间水分食品体系中乳清蛋白的稳定性等应用基础研究方面,取得了一定的创新性成绩;为深化我国水产深加工和资源综合利用以及提高高蛋白中间水分食品的整体品质和稳定性奠定了良好的理论基础,研究成果获中国轻工业联合会科技进步奖二等奖;在食品领域权威杂志发表SCI 论文共17篇,总引用200余次,其中三篇文章在Journal of Food Science杂志分别被列为2004年度、2005年度和2006年度的当年度发表论文被引用频率前十位论文;2010年被国际食品科技联盟授予“青年科学家奖”,2011年被中国食品科技学会授予“杰出青年奖”,并入选“教育部新世纪优秀人才”。
1. Liu B, Zhou P, Liu X, Sun X, Li H, Lin M. Detection of Pesticides in Fruits by Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Coupled with Gold Nanostructures. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2012. 1-9
2. Liu D, Liang L, Regenstein JM, Zhou P. Extraction and characterisation of pepsin-solubilised collagen from fins, scales, skins, bones and swim bladders of bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis). Food Chemistry. 2012. 133(4). 1441-1448
3. Ying-jia Chen, Li Liang,Xiao-ming Liu,Theodore P. Labuza, Peng Zhou. Effect Fructose and Glucoseon Glycation of β−Lactoglobulin in an Intermediate-Moisture Food Model System: Analysis by Liquid Chromatography−Mass Spectrometry (LC−MS) and Data-Independent Acquisition LC−MS (LC−MSE). Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. 2012. 60. 10674-682
4. Liu D, Zhou P, Liu X, Labuza TP. Moisture‐Induced Aggregation of Alpha‐Lactalbumin: Effects of Temperature, Cations, and pH. Journal of food science 2011 76(6). C817-C23
5. Ntakatsane M, Yang X, Lin M, Liu X, Zhou P. Short communication: Suitability of fluorescence spectroscopy for characterization of commercial milk of different composition and origin. Journal of Dairy Science. 2011. 94(11). 5375-80
6. Liu X, Zhou P, Tran A, Labuza TP. Effects of polyols on the stability of whey proteins in intermediate-moisture food model systems. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. 2009. 57(6). 2339-45
7. Uzzan M, Nechrebeki J, Zhou P, Labuza TP. Effect of water activity and temperature on the stability of creatine during storage Drug development and industrial pharmacy. 2009. 35(8). 1003-8
8. Yang H, Wang Y, Zhou P, Regenstein JM. Effects of alkaline and acid pretreatment on the physical properties and nanostructures of the gelatin from channel catfish skins Food Hydrocolloids. 2008. 22(8). 1541-50
9. Zhou P, Liu X, Labuza TP. Effects of moisture-induced whey protein aggregation on protein conformation, the state of water molecules, and the microstructure and texture of high-protein-containing matrix. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. 2008. 56(12). 4534-40
10. Zhou P, Liu X, Labuza TP. Moisture-induced aggregation of whey proteins in a protein/buffer model system. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. 2008. 56(6) . 48-54
11. Zhou P, Labuza TP. Effect of water content on glass transition and protein aggregation of whey protein powders during short-term storage. Food Biophysics. 2007. 2(2). 108-16
12. Zhou P, Regenstein JM. Comparison of water gel desserts from fish skin and pork gelatins using instrumental measurements. Journal of food science. 2007. 72(4). C196-C201
13. Yang H, Wang Y, Jiang M, Oh JH, Herring J, Zhou P. 2‐Step Optimization of the Extraction and Subsequent Physical Properties of Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) Skin Gelatin. Journal of food science. 2007. 72(4). C188-C95
14. Zhou P, Mulvaney SJ, Regenstein JM. Properties of Alaska pollock skin gelatin: a comparison with tilapia and pork skin gelatins. Journal of food science. 2006 . 71(6). C313-C21
15. Zhou P, Regenstein J. Determination of total protein content in gelatin solutions with the Lowry or Biuret assay. Journal of food science. 2006. 71(8). C474-C9
16. Zhou P, Regenstein JM. Effects of alkaline and acid pretreatments on Alaska pollock skin gelatin extraction. Journal of food science. 2005. 70(6) C392-C6
17. Zhou P, Regenstein JM. Optimization of extraction conditions for pollock skin gelatin Journal of food science. 2004. 69(5). C398-C8
18. 杨晓倩,刘小鸣,周鹏. 前表面荧光法在牛奶美拉德反应检测中的应用. 食品工业科技.2012. 16(33). 157-164
19. 杨晓倩,刘小鸣,周鹏. 钙螯合盐对乳饮料加工与贮藏稳定性的影响. 乳业科学与技术.2012. 3(53). 4-8
20. 余园芳, 陶冠军, 刘小鸣, 周鹏. 中间水分食品体系中乳球蛋白糖基化位点的鉴定. 食品工业科技. 2011. (10). 79-82